Data / Snapshots

County Snapshot


This County Snapshot provides a quick overview of the most pertinent general information, data, and demographics about Palm Beach County.

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Here we Grow.

In one year, we added:
  • 15,958 to labor force
  • 12,006 occupied housing units
  • Median family income increased by $10,379
  • Average wage increased from $71,304 in 2022 to $74,801 in 2023

Population Projections

  • 2025 1,568,299

  • 2030 1,641,886

  • 2040 1,741,463

  • 2045 1,776,873

  • 2050 1,809,232



County Average Wage (2023 BLS) (2022 ACS)


Median Family Income


Per Capita Income



April 1, 2023 (Estimate)


April 1, 2020 (Census)



(2022 ACS)
Total housing units 720,792
Occupied housing units 607,453
Vacant housing units 113,339
Homeowner vacancy rate 1.1
Rental vacancy rate 7.2
Average household size 2.45


(2022 FloridaCommerce)
Hospitals (PB Medical Society) 16
Physicians’ Offices 2,255
Dentists’ Offices 814
Medical and Surgical Facilities 50

Meeting Facilities

Resorts/Hotels/Lodging Facilities 178
Resorts/Hotels with Meeting Space 79
Total Rooms 19,051
Convention Center Total Meeting Space (s.f.) 148,000
Total Space (s.f.) 350,000


(2023 FDIC)
Banks 50
Branch Banking Offices 390
Deposits (billions) $68,937

Labor Force

(2023 Annual Avg.)
Labor Force 778,964
Employment 755,532
Unemployment 23,432
Rate 3.0%

Note: All statistics provided are 2023 estimates and averages, unless otherwise specified.
Sources: Florida Commerce, US Census Bureau American Community Survey 2022, Florida Demographic Estimating Conference February 2023, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Summary of Deposits June 2023, Discover The Palm Beaches

For more information contact:

Economic Development & Research
Phone: 561.835.1008
[email protected]

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